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     No-one likes to have their pets go missing. More so, indoor only pets or pets used to being contained within a yard. Your first instinct is to search all over within the confines of your home and yard once you realize your pet(s) are missing. If you find them, great! If not, then your time could have been used differently. Instead of searching your home and yard first when you realize they are missing, step out and search around the perimeter first. The 10-15 minutes you spend searching your home could be the difference of seeing your pet outside and them being well out of range and it only takes a few minutes. This applies to dogs more so than cats. Once back inside, resume your search there before taking to social media and searching outside further. Hopefully, by then, they are at the door inside the home waiting for your return or sitting at the back door waiting to come in and they were there all along.

     ***Remember that there are a lot of good people out there and if they see a dog they think is lost they may try to apprehend it and shelter it while they try to find the owner. Some people may not be able to get close enough to a lost pet but will take a picture and post it to local lost pets on Facebook, Kijiji, Craigslist, Twitter, and more.

Cat and Dog

      If you have searched your home and yard thoroughly and still have no idea where your pet(s) are then you can start to raise awareness locally. There are different ways to approach each situation depending on your location and whether you drive but it still comes down to awareness. The more people that know, the better. Be aware that searching for a cat is a bit different than searching for a dog in a few different ways. Collar ID tags, microchipped and phone tracking apps can help assist in finding them with the tracker being the best choice, especially for cats since they do not tend to go far compared to dogs.


      Dogs have a tendency to run and just let their nose take them wherever it decides. This may happen more so with un-neutered & un-spayed dogs than neutered & spayed dogs with un-neutered males being the most prone to running away in search of a female in heat. Your dog could be at one of your neighbors' homes sniffing around their yard if they own a dog as well.

     If you have done a perimeter check and searched inside but now are a bit confused, stressed or having a hard time concentrating or just unsure what to do next. Follow the steps I created below for some sort of guidelines for you. There is a printable version as well. *Under modification

WPN Dog Search Tips

 Call the local shelter/animal control and inquire. Do not forget to leave your number as well.                      >>>If it happened at night, leave a message on their answering machine with your name, contact number and information about your pet. (See below)

    Make sure everyone knows your pet(s). Give a good description    on your media posts. If you cannot, contact a friend who can.

        A) Name

        B) Breed (Looks, colors)

        C) Temperament

        D) Time and location of disappearance 

        E)  Your contact name & number

        F) Adding a favorite phrase is good as well. ie - "Who's a                      good dog?" or "Treats?" etc.

      Go start searching again if possible. Take items such as a squeaky toy, some kibbles in a plastic container so you can shake them and if its night, a flashlight and if you are walking some reflective clothing. 

     You need to be careful when calling your pet, especially in higher traffic areas. You do not want them running out across any road towards you when there is a vehicle coming. 


If no pet or messages when you get home you can start creating flyers or drawing them up on paper with all the relevant information listed above.

Additional Dog Searching Tips

     Here are some references to look at to help assist you in finding your lost dog.   The tips available below can greatly increase the chance of success if done as soon as possible. 

     There are chances your dog may run away from a  location not close to your home. A place such as a campsite or a beach. In a case such as this, online media in the area where you lost the pet is where you will want to focus your efforts when you get home.

When Your Dog Returns

     There are a host of issues that you may need to address when your pet returns home. Fleas, ticks, parasites, worms & more can be hitching along for the ride into your home. It is important to look over and inspect your pet thoroughly for any signs of these unwanted intruders. 

     Your pet may have ingested something as well while they were outside and could have gotten sick, mildly poisoned or got worms. For signs of any kind of sickness, parasites & more, follow this link.

Lost Dog


Lost Cat


      Indoor house cats are a little bit different than dogs when they get out.

Where dogs tend to run, indoor house cats tend to hide. Most of the time your cat can be as little as 150 feet away from your home. They can hide in tall grass, bushes, sheds, timber piles, trees, etc, and stay there for days.   


     A cat usually stays close by although it may not come when called. I think an indoor cat that has never really been outside gets frightened once it realizes it is no longer in its domain and it instinctively finds a place to hide. It can stay there for a few days until hunger drives it out, It is a good idea to place some of its familiar cat food around the area and by your door if possible.

     Most cats return home within a few days, however, you may want to post information on your social media platforms and widen your search in all directions. Ask permission from neighbors and others before you go searching on their private property. Also, it does not hurt to search at night depending on your location. If you go out at night; Wear reflective clothing and carry a flashlight. The flashlight may reflect their eyes from any hiding spot they may be in.

     There are multiple opinions and tips on how to find a lost cat. Cats are great at hiding and they could be a few feet from you in grass or shrubs and would be very hard to spot. Most sites will tend to agree that the first few hours are the most important. It is also commonly thought they will stick around pretty close as well and usually within a few block radius or equivalent. The images below will give you information that may assist you in your search.

Additional Cat SearchingTips

     The more you understand a cat, the easier it may be to find. Below are some additional tips to help you in your search.

When Your Cat Returns

     There are a host of issues that you may need to address when your pet returns home. Fleas, ticks, parasites, worms & more can be hitching along for the ride into your home. It is important to look over and inspect your pet thoroughly for any signs of these unwanted intruders. 

     Your pet may have ingested something as well while they were outside and could have gotten sick, mildly poisoned or got worms. For signs of any kind of sickness, parasites & more, follow this link.

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