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     From kittens to adult cats to seniors, cats have different requirements throughout the stages of their lives. The topics below can help you understand your cat's needs and requirements to keep it healthy and happy for life. 

What is a Feline?

    Feline is a broad word used to describe any 1 of the 37 known cat species around the world. Feline/cat=same thing. Tigers, pumas, jaguars, lions, etc are all part of the same family which is called Felidae. They can all be called cats or felines. Common house cats are classed as "domestic cats" or"House cats" and labeled as "Felis Cattus".


    Unneutered male house cats are called "Toms" and neutered males are called "Gibs". Unspayed females are "Queens" and spayed females are generally called a "Molly"  For a list of more associated terms - Click here

    The word "cat" is usually associated with the common housecat. When people ask you if you have pets, you don't really tend to say, "Yes, I have a Felis Cattus gib and a Felis Cattus molly. You tend to say " I have 2 cats. 1 female, 1 male, neutered and spayed", so for the purpose of this site "cats" and "felines" will refer to housecats.

Cat Roots

     How did these 4 legged, purring, sometimes mischievous felines work their way into our everyday social lives? From companions to accomplished hunters, these animals have integrated themselves into the lives of everyday average people. They have even embedded themselves in our history in the form of deities such as the Egyptian cat goddess Bast/Bastet.           

     House cats started to become domesticated approximately 10,000-12000 years ago although it may have been longer. Roots of the modern day house cat can trace their lineage 

back to Africa and the Arabian peninsula in a species of feline called the Near    

Eastern Wildcat.  

Some History On Cats

     History has shown us almost every animal species that could be used for war, has been. This includes elephants, oxen, horses, pigeons, dogs, lions, camels, dolphins, bats, rats, donkeys, mules, sea-lions, war pigs (pigs bred for war), bears, rhinos, bees, chimps, snakes and even glow worms.


    Typically cats were trained in WWI to find and hunt rats and used as gas detectors. It is estimated half a million cats were deployed in WWI in trenches and on ships. Sometimes rats carried disease or even explosives to slip in behind the enemy lines so cats were crucial in holding back the spread of disease and more.

    The historical battle of Pelusium in Egypt is a battle where cats were used in another way and had an impact on the outcome of the battle.




     Cattitude ‎(uncountable) (humorous) The attitude of a cat. [ quotations ▼] 2011, M. R. Wells, Connie Fleishauer, & Dottie Adams, The Cat Lover's Devotional, Harvest House Publishers (2011), ISBN 9780736941532, page 64: It took a lot of Rosie and Ernie to forgive their "bad cattitude" kitty.

Cat Behavior! Can It Be Explained?

      Have you ever wonder why your cat prefers to drink from the tap instead of their bowl or why they like to clean themselves after they have just been patted? Maybe why they like to hide in boxes or break into cupboards and just sit there. Multiple studies have been done into cat behavior. Ever since humans began domesticating cats I'm sure they have been observed intently. Especially by the ancient Egyptians who revered them. A few things we think we may have figured out.



            A) It seems they prefer moving water.

            B) A cat cleans themselves after you pat them to eliminate your human smell.

            C) They may like to hide in boxes as a source of cover from which to hunt their                     prey or as a means of hiding from prey or both. It could also be an instinct                       they never lost over 15000+- years of domestication. 

Dealing With Aggression

   Aggression in any form is not wanted behavior. Before you can deal with an aggressive cat you need to understand with aggression is. Aggression is a  threatening, hostile, violent or harmful behavior directed towards a person or other animal. This can be in the form of seeing another cat from a  window or if someone new enters a room. Maybe when a new pet is introduced or play time turns extremely rough. 

    There are different types of aggression in cats. There is territorial,  maternal, fearful, redirected, play, predatory, petting-induced, pain-induced, between cats, and idiopathic. To understand the differences between them. (Click the image for more details)

cat, aggression, attacks


    Different breeds seem to exhibit different personality traits and these traits seem to be common within the same breeds.  Some cats are social butterflies that like to be around people all the time., There are other cats that prefer to be solitary and there are yet others that bond to one specific person and it's their cat, or should I say that you're their property. 

     No matter what type of "socializing" cat you have, they all exhibit some weird or crazy behaviors at times. Sometimes it's amusing, sometimes it makes you wonder, other times you just shake your head and sometimes you need to step in and rectify it.

What Does My Cat Have In Common With Other Cats?

     Some traits seem common among cats. Among them are  purring, playing with food, drinking water from the tap, eating grass, playing with their prey, chattering their teeth, rubbing against you and more. 

cat, weird

What Is The Difference Between a House Cat And a Feral Cat?

    House cats are more adapted to living directly with humans and feral or wild cats are adapted to live indirectly with humans.

    In some areas feral cats were brought in to control rodent populations. However, they opted to take advantage of easier to access food such as human trash. 

Wild Cat

Litter Box Issues

     Litter box issues are the #1 reason people get rid of their cats.            There are usually common reasons this is happening and with a bit of time and patience, these issues can be corrected. It could be something as minor as the litter box is too small, not cleaned enough, bad placement or more. 

cat, litter, scream, howl



     There are 42-49 different breeds of domestic cats depending on your references.  Cats all have different personalities individually, but as a breed, they tend to have a lot of traits in common. They enjoy being solitary, they can see in the dark and all house-cats have retractable claws. There are additional physical features between common house cats as well such as a raspy tongue and scent gland locations.


     Cats come in many visual combinations. Some have stripes, big patches or spots or mixes of both. Some can have multiple colors on them or just one solid color. Some of the colors or shades they come in are                                                                  . 

      Some are short hair, some are long hair                                                                                          and some even look hairless such as a Sphynx                                                                                cat - Although it looks hairless it has very fine hairs and has the feel of a chamois.) 


     There are big cats such as a Maine Coon which can grow to double the size of a regular cat and there are small cats like the Singapura which tend to grow half the size of a regular house cat.     

     They all seem to have personalities that seem common within the breed. With, of course, a few exceptions. If your curious as to why your cat does certain things like play in water or nibble grass or  if you may be having issues with aggressiveness, scratching, litter-box issue and more.

How Old Can A Cat Live To Be?

    Domestic cats can live an average of 13-18 years and it is not uncommon to reach 20 years. Accepting a cat into your home can be a long term commitment. If you are unsure whether you should get a cat or not because of what is involved, click the following link to see what care is typically involved in owning a cat.

     Despite all the different breeds of cats that you can choose from, DO NOT HESITATE to go to a local shelter and see what is available there if you are looking to add a kitten or cat to your family. 


Fitness & Exercise


     Fitness is very important for a cat. It aids in the digestion of food, helps promote and maintain healthy bones, forms good musculature, provides                                                                                                  a strong cardiovascular system and helps your cat                                                                                            live a longer happier healthier life. A healthy cat                                                                                                  has less chance of joint problems later in life as well as some other preventable ailments. 

      Fitness comes not only from exercise but from diet and sufficient rest as well. A house cat typically will spend 16 - 20 hours a day sleeping its time away. More than likely dreaming of how to maximize treat time and coax a few more out of you. Catnaps are short breaks to close your eyes and refresh your mind and cats are the masters of this technique. They have the ability to be falling asleep just sitting there, lay down for 2 minutes in the sun and be right back up full of energy requesting your attention.

Falling Asleep Sitting

cat, fitness, sleep, catnap, nap

2 Minute Cat-Nap

cat, sleep, fitness

100% Refreshed

cat, nap, fitness


     You do not take cats to dog parks and since they do not have any cat parks that I am aware of which is probably a good thing, you may wonder if your cat is getting enough exercise.  Typically indoor cats get lazier than indoor/outdoor cats.  Besides using a string, here are a couple of ideas that may get your cat more active indoors.

  A) Make a game for treats. My cat hunts them.

  B) You can use a laser pointer but be careful of their eyes.

  C) If you only have one cat, get another for companionship.  

cat, exercise, fitness

Click the above image

     Spending time with your cat is usually pretty simple because they rarely leave you alone when they are awake. Aside from exercise & diet make sure your cat has access to plenty of fresh water, clean litter, and sunshine. A perch in the window or a comfortable spot on the floor when it shines through for a while will make your cat happy. There is no need to worry about whether your cat is getting sufficient sunshine for vitamin D and in no case should you supplement with a vitamin D additive unless specified by a certified veterinarian. The required amount of vitamin D they get should be in their food.


Health & Sickness

    On your way out the door, you notice you almost stepped into something on your floor. Upon closer inspection, you realize it's a hairball. As you clean it up you wonder if your cat is sick or if this is normal. It is not a long-haired feline so should it have hairballs? Should you be concerned?

Signs & Symptoms


    CATS, as well as some other animals, are susceptible to plant poisoning. One of the more common poisonous plants is a Crysantinum (Common plant at Christmas time) as well as a few others. Click the blue button below for a list of plants known to be poisonous to cats.

   Avoid Accidental Poisoning in Your Garage, Shed & Home by Auto Products Such as Anti-Freeze

     Always keep your products in original containers or in the case of gas, certified sealed gas can. Keep your products tightly sealed not only for prevention sake but a tight seal will ensure they last longer. It only takes a small amount to cause kidney failure. Clean up any spills or leaks quickly. Check your drive-way after guests leave to ensure no anti-freeze leaks onto your property through no fault of your own. Keep your anti-freeze products safely stored.


      Be responsible when disposing of anti-freeze and other auto products. Contact an auto-shop or your city hall for information on how and where to dispose of it properly.

The following symptoms may be an indication your cat may be sick or poisoned and you should consult a local vet. If you cannot find a local vet, Click the image below for one near you.

Increased urination

Increased drinking



Lethargy (being abnormally sleepy)

Appearing drunk and uncoordinated

Seizures (fitting)

Abnormally fast heartbeat

Very fast, shallow breathing




     Arguments can be made both ways. The processing for dry cat food tends to have more preservatives and manufacturing steps adding more chances to contamination, etc.

     Wet foods in cans, plastic containers, resealable pouches, etc are usually not good sitting out after an hour or so.  In                                my opinion, a                        combination of                                both is ok but not                                in the same bowl.                          Don't overdo the                              wet food so it sits                              out for hours, just                              give a portion, seal it and put it into the fridge for later use in the next day or two. 

                CAT FOOD INFORMATION

     There have been many arguments and debates on whether you should feed your pet grain free or not. Be aware that gluten-free does not mean grain free, however, grain free is gluten-free. 

     A lot of the information out there states to feed your cat a pure meat diet and the main thing to look for in cat food is meat & protein and the less grain the better.  This seems to be the main consensus.


     Cat foods contain many culprits which may cause a number of health issues. The main reactions come from soy, corn, gluten, seafood, beef, dairy, and lamb. If your pet starts to develop

                              1) Bald Patches

                              2) Excessive Hair Loss

                              3) Inflamed Skin

                              4) Itchiness

​                              5) Sores & Scabs

 ; then food may be a factor and your pet could be getting an allergic reaction from an ingredient. A vets opinion would be a viable option at this point since other ailments may resemble a food allergy such as a bacterial infection, parasites, etc. Try to recall when the issue started occurring. 

      -Was there a change in diet over the last few           weeks or months? 

      -Did you move? 

      -Did you get a new plant in the home the cat           may be nibbling on?



     Other things to consider are fleas, home environment, seasonal pollen and other foods such as treats. If you have eliminated or changed these other factors then you should think about modifying your pet's' diet. Cutting out cat foods with gluten and monitoring it may be a start and if there is no improvement quickly than consult a vet if you have not by this stage. 



                                                         Taking Care of a Kitten or Two

     A kitten is a lot like a puppy in that it really needs to stay with the mother and litter for 8 weeks minimum. 10 - 12 weeks is best. Social skills are learned within the litter and siblings teach other siblings social interaction skills better than any human can. 

     So now you have your kitten or two and they just peed on your floor as well as broke into a partially open cupboard . Here's help.

Multiple Kittens & Nursing Cats

    You notice your female cat gaining some weight after escaping the house 4-6 weeks ago and realize that she may be pregnant. The following links should help educate you a bit for that unexpected addition. Everything from anemia which in kittens can be caused by fleas to nursery temperatures for healthy Mothers and kittens can be found here.

  In all cases, if you are unsure

           do not hesitate to call or

                          consult a vet


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